Fees Information Disclaimer

At Blockmas Algorithmic Defi Group LTD, we strive to provide transparent information regarding fees associated with trading through our platform. Please read the following details carefully to understand how fees are structured:

Upfront, Deposit, Withdrawal, Performance, and Maintenance Fees

Blockmas Algorithmic Defi Group LTD does not charge any upfront, deposit, withdrawal, performance, or maintenance fees to our clients.

Fees Charged by Affiliated Brokers

When traders execute trades through brokers, they may incur various fees, including but not limited to:

  • Spreads: The difference between the bid and ask price of a financial instrument.

  • Swaps: Fees associated with holding positions overnight, typically related to interest rate differentials.

  • Rollovers: Charges incurred when positions are extended beyond the settlement date.

  • Guaranteed Stop Losses: Additional fees for ensuring that a stop-loss order is executed at a specified price.

  • Other Commissions: Additional charges may apply based on the specific services provided by the broker.

Revenue-Sharing Agreement

Blockmas Algorithmic Defi Group LTD operates under a revenue-sharing agreement as an introducing partner with regulated financial institutions. This means that we receive compensation from our affiliated brokers based on the trading activity of our clients.

Costs Borne by the Broker, Not the Client

In general, traders do not directly pay any fees to trade with us. Instead, the costs associated with trading are typically borne by the broker. This includes fees for spreads, swaps, rollovers, guaranteed stop losses, and any other applicable commissions.

Please note that while Blockmas Algorithmic Defi Group LTD endeavors to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding fees, the specific fee structure may vary depending on the broker and the financial instruments traded. We recommend that clients review the fee schedule provided by their chosen broker and consult with them directly for any clarifications or inquiries regarding fees.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding fees, please contact our customer support team at compliance@blockmas.com.


This Fees Information Disclaimer is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Clients are encouraged to conduct their own research and seek independent financial advice before engaging in any trading activities. Blockmas Algorithmic Defi Group LTD shall not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of reliance on the information provided herein.

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